Youth Bible Study
Bible Verse
2 Thessalonians 2:11 Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false (ESV)
Africans Wake Up
God had a problem with Satan, but instead of eliminating Satan, He sacrificed His Son—this story seems unclear. #AfricansWakeUp! How can the very people who enslaved Africans be the ones to bring them salvation? If heaven is real, would the same people show it to Africans? #AfricansWakeUp! Many believe that Jesus is another tool of religious control used by the white man to further enslave Africans. #AfricansWakeUp! These are some of the ideas circulating online. In the Western world, Africa is often cited as a reason to doubt God’s existence. They ask, “If God exists, why does He allow such suffering in Africa?” Some argue that Africans are overly religious and yet remain in poverty, suggesting that God does not exist. Conversely, Africans see the prosperity of the secular developed world who are less religious and conclude that religion is a scam. Indeed, Satan’s intelligence in leading people astray by manipulating their geographical territories is profound. But why would God allow Satan to have such freedom in deceiving people?
God & The Israelites
This brings us to the story of the Israelites as recorded in Exodus. These people witnessed miracles firsthand in Egypt, where God punished the Egyptians with ten supernatural plagues for their sake. As if that wasn’t enough, He parted the Red Sea right before their eyes. Yet, when Moses spent a few days on the mountain with God, they quickly turned against God and began blaspheming Him. During their journey to the Promised Land, the Bible records many instances of their rebellion against God, resulting in immediate punishment. This illustrates that the Israelites did not truly love God; rather, they sought deliverance from slavery and hardship. Once they received that, their hearts strayed from God. Are we like that? Do we grieve the name of God at the slightest temptation that could have been avoided?
Free Will
God in his wisdom has given us free will to live a free life and he wants to know those who truly love him, those who truly wish to be with him, those who truly reject the devil and are willing to abide with him. God with just a word can strike Satan into non-existence but what happened with angels in heaven proved that indeed he needs to know those who are with him through thick and thin. The Bible said that 1/3 of the angels in heaven fell to the manipulations of Satan and followed him. So, God wants to know the percentage of people that will follow him on earth also. This is why He will allow people to be swung into many directions and blaspheme his holy name. if we read Verse 10 of the above passage, it says “They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved and verse 12 says “and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness
God Has A Plan For You My Dear
Those who resist temptation, like the unwavering Angel Michael, Moses, Elijah, Abraham, and the patriarchs, will be welcomed into God’s eternal kingdom, a place he lovingly prepared. They shunned the devil’s allure and stood firm in their faith. Remember, the Bible tells us Satan’s reign is limited because he has been judged already.
This reflects the Israelites’ journey to the Promised Land, where only those truly committed reached their destination. Similar to a new generation, God allows challenges to reveal who remains faithful. We have a choice: succumb to the devil’s temptations and face his fate, or seek God through scripture, reflection, and righteous living to reach the ultimate reward – Heaven.
Overcoming Addiction
I write to you, young men and women, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one (ESV 1 John 2.14)
Remain Blesses Always